International Women’s Day, 8th March, is a global day of celebration where women from all countries and of different political, economic, social, linguistic and ethnic backgrounds can join together to reflect on the struggle for equality over the past century, celebrate the achievements to date and identify the challenges for the future.
In Nigeria, women and girls suffer disproportionately from poverty, lack of education, and access to health-care. They also experience gender inequality and have restricted access to resources and opportunities.
To promote positive attitudinal change, reduce discrimination against women and girls, the International Women’s Day presents a unique opportunity to mobilize global action to achieve gender equality and human rights of all women and girls.

To commemorate the International Women’s day, Royal Heritage Health Foundation (RHHF) organized a 3day activity (10th-12th March 2020); to increase sensitivity to the needs of women in Ifesowapo community, Kilanko, Ilorin, Kwara State.
The activities aimed to create awareness of gender equality for a healthy society and to improve the knowledge and perception of women about their health. The organization conducted advocacy to the relevant stakeholders to obtain their support towards the successful implementation of the intervention, sensitization to enhance awareness, motivate actions towards positive changes in matters related to women in the community. A total of 52 women and 8 men were reached with information to improve their knowledge and practices on personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, family planning and STI/HIV.
Oluremi Sogunro says:
September 15, 2020 at 12:56 pm
Thank you RHHF. Women are 50% of the population and we need to ensure their full participation in all aspects of life including access to quality education, mathematics and science.